will be performed here. This function is
used to approximate the normalizing constant for COM-Poisson distributions via
truncation. The standard COM-Poisson parametrization is being used here.R/RcppExports.R
It is assumed that vectors log_lambda & nu are of equal length.
logZ_c(log_lambda, nu, summax)
rate parameter in log scale.
dispersion parameter, straightly positive.
maximum number of terms to be considered in the truncated sum.
This function was originally purposed in the cmpreg
package of Ribeiro Jr,
Zeviani & Demétrio (2019).
Ribeiro Jr, E. E., Zeviani, W. M., Demétrio, C. G. B. (2019) cmpreg
Reparametrized COM-Poisson Regression Models. R package version 0.0.1.